When offered you will meet once a week for 5 weeks approximately 3-3.5 hours at class. We run a morning class and and evening class depending on number of students that sign up.  

The morning class runs from 9:00 A.M. -12:30 P:M, and the evening class runs from 6:30 P.M.- 10:30 P.M. 

You will be required to bring your own hearing and eye protection. If you do not have them you can purchase at the shop when you get there. All firearms and ammo are included in the cost of the class. You will be shooting everyday of the class. You are not to bring your own firearm to class.

The Fee for the class is $160 

New class will be posted here or on our Facebook page.

Registration can be done in the shop, or with a credit card over the phone.



We offer renewal classes for those needed to renew their current CPL. 

We hold classes everyday of the week

Mon thru Fri@ 10:15

Mon thru Fri @ 1:15

The video is 3 hours and the range time is 1 hour so allow 4 1/2 hours. 

The 41$ fee covers Range time, and certificate of completion.

Fore range time you can bring your own firearm or rent on of our for $16 plus ammo. Must have hearing and eye protection.



Our expert instructors offer a next level pistol class. This class continues your instruction on getting more comfortable with your handgun. Practicing new shooting techniques and honing your skills.

Cost in $110 and runs for 6 week. Times and date announced here or on our Facebook page.